Saturday, 30 October 2010
Clocks going back - Vic
Hello, just to remind you that the clocks go back tonight/tomorrow, so we will be filming sort of an hour later...
E-mails- E-mails -Jack
Here is evidence of communication out of the classroom. I have just taken a screen shot from one of the many e-mails swapped between the group over the last few days! They are starting to become more frequent now due to tomorrows schedule and what not!! fingers crossed all goes to plan and their is no mishaps!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Storyboards Completed - Vic
I have taken photographs on a camera of each page of our storyboards completed therefore if we do not have our storyboards with us in a particular for whatever reason, we can look on the blog and see them easily and as a complete photo instead of having to go through the entire anomatic...
Story Boards - Vic
Im currently creating a prop list per each post -it on our story board. I aim to include the costumes included, the make up, the way in which each character is standing and what they are doing in each shot. Im hoping to be able to complete this on the programme 'Prezi', however this may be difficult as I have many photos to upload therefore, there will be many 'paths' that I will need to link to each photo and the computer programme may not allow the amount of items that I wish to download onto it.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Album cover research - Vic
On the 'Sex Pistols' album cover 'kiss this,' I particularly like the writing style of the band name. It looks effective how it stands out from the photo of 'Jonny Rotton' (Lead singer). However I do not like the photo or the album name in the style that it has been displayed.
I have been inspired by the Beatles album cover: 'Abbey Road'. I like the way the photograph has been positioned and also the crossing the road on the crossing. Although if we did create an album cover like this we would have to 'grunde' it up, and obiously have the girls doing something slightly more reckless. However I believe that name of the album and the artists names should be more prominant.
Although the artist Kanye West does not produce the genre of music that we are creating our video for, I am still fond of his album cover. I like the idea of someone standing in front of the large wooden doors. However if we produced something similar to this then we would have all three of the band members and use grundy colours.
I have been inspired by the Beatles album cover: 'Abbey Road'. I like the way the photograph has been positioned and also the crossing the road on the crossing. Although if we did create an album cover like this we would have to 'grunde' it up, and obiously have the girls doing something slightly more reckless. However I believe that name of the album and the artists names should be more prominant.
On this album cover i like the idea of having the red sofa and the trees behind it - the idea being in the wilderness and isolated. However if we were to use this sort of album cover style we would include our band members on the sofa and have the colours not as bright - dull, or possibly in black and white.
This album cover is the C.D cover from the band Hole. I believe that the black and white aspect of the album cover looks very effective, it give it a grundy edge (which we are aiming for). Also the band members have an 'I dont care attitude in the photo. A further good element of this album cover is the cross on fire in the background, this give it a reckless edge (possibly the band set the cross on fire).
Although the artist Kanye West does not produce the genre of music that we are creating our video for, I am still fond of his album cover. I like the idea of someone standing in front of the large wooden doors. However if we produced something similar to this then we would have all three of the band members and use grundy colours.
Hard at work! -Jack
Yet again in another one of our glorious media lessons we are working on our blog and elements that are going to prepare us further for the big day of filming!. `Here is evidence of me working on the anomatic. The process was reasonably easy it just takes a lot of time and precision to get the images matching with the music and fitting them into where we want them and the order etc...
More Experimenting!- Jack
Here i have yet again played around with a few more ideas! We filmed a few short sequences just before we did the story board for montage ideas and this is one of our favourites!!! I have added the aged film again and just edited them together to look like stills with a touch of movement which meant speeding them up and down depending on the original Shot. We intend on doing this in our video featuring all the girls on some steps infron of an old door!!
Anomatic is finally here! - Jack
The Anomatic is finally here after hours of slaving away making sure that the post-its fit in time with the music and in the order we want them to appear.!!!
Todays lesson - Emily.
This lesson we have just clarified the shots on our storyboard. We were thinking of cutting the song in the middle to make our video 2.47 in lenght but after looking over when have re-add the cut and made it 3.11 in length. We think that by adding in this section it gives us the oppitunity to use different shots and varing shot length. This is important in our film becuase the long shots will make the short choppy shots more effective.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Fan base- Emily
Audience profile.
Name: Jo Lacosta
Age: 20
Jo origianally came from liverpool but moved to london when he was 18 to live with his older brother. All his life he has had a love for alternative rock music and has attended several festivals in the past few years all over Europe. He followed his brother around the UK for 6 month watching his band tour. When arriving home he found himself a partime sale assistant job in a local music shop. At the moment he is also studying creative media at a nearby collage. He enjoys going out with his mates at the weekend and spending time in the local pub. Dressing well is one of his main prioritys and his fasion icon is Kurt Cobain. 'ACDC' 'Nirvarna' 'Led Zeplin' Foo Fighters' 'Blink 182' and 'Hole' are among some of the artist you would find on his IPod.

Name: Flo Haggar
Age: 18
Flo is currently studying music jurnalism at Leeds metrapolitan university. In her time off she is a part time sales assistant in topshop. She has always had a love for fashion a music and has recently got into music shuch as 'Paramore' 'My chemical romance' 'The who' and 'Arcade fire'. Flo usualy dresses very similar to kate moss and admires her choice of clothing. This year she attended Gastonburry and download festival with her mates. Flo is very socialble and goes out with her mates most weekends.
Name: Jo Lacosta
Age: 20
Jo origianally came from liverpool but moved to london when he was 18 to live with his older brother. All his life he has had a love for alternative rock music and has attended several festivals in the past few years all over Europe. He followed his brother around the UK for 6 month watching his band tour. When arriving home he found himself a partime sale assistant job in a local music shop. At the moment he is also studying creative media at a nearby collage. He enjoys going out with his mates at the weekend and spending time in the local pub. Dressing well is one of his main prioritys and his fasion icon is Kurt Cobain. 'ACDC' 'Nirvarna' 'Led Zeplin' Foo Fighters' 'Blink 182' and 'Hole' are among some of the artist you would find on his IPod.

Name: Flo Haggar
Age: 18
Flo is currently studying music jurnalism at Leeds metrapolitan university. In her time off she is a part time sales assistant in topshop. She has always had a love for fashion a music and has recently got into music shuch as 'Paramore' 'My chemical romance' 'The who' and 'Arcade fire'. Flo usualy dresses very similar to kate moss and admires her choice of clothing. This year she attended Gastonburry and download festival with her mates. Flo is very socialble and goes out with her mates most weekends.

The Noise-Jack
The Noise a all female band consisting of 3 girls Trinity 19(the lead singer) Perry 21 (drum player and backing vocalist) and Fleur 19 (Base player and backing vocalist). The girls met in London and began writing and playing locally, it wasnt until they were signed early last year that they became nationwide rebels filling the tabloids of Britain. With one Double Platinum selling Album Loud and another due to be released late this year Shh the girls are on top form. With their controversial performance at last years VMA's the girls are quickly becoming more recognised. The girls plan to set dates for the first nation wide tour later this year which has been predicted to sell out before the first hour.
Their glam grunge image has made them marketing extravaganzas and brought them numerous endorsement deals, their latest being MAC make up.
The girls have lots of future plans ahead with their 3 album record deal and more endorsements, they are long to fizzle out. Be prepared for them to top the charts and become worldwide influences to their ever growing fan base.
Their glam grunge image has made them marketing extravaganzas and brought them numerous endorsement deals, their latest being MAC make up.
The girls have lots of future plans ahead with their 3 album record deal and more endorsements, they are long to fizzle out. Be prepared for them to top the charts and become worldwide influences to their ever growing fan base.
Daisy aka Fleur- Jack
Fleur follows a slightly different upbringing, her mother and father are both school teachers that brought her up to be a real little lady. Fleur is classically trained in most instruments and has taken part in many charitable performances. It wasnt until only a few years ago that Fleur changed her mind and image and decided that alternative rock music was her chosen pathway. With her parents not being supportive of her choice she moved out of the family home aged only 17 and moved to London where she met Perry and Trinity. She worked hard at her trade and got herself to the best of her ability for the group. Some say that Fleur is the most talented of the group and its appalling that she doesn't front the group.
Since being part of the group she has become a real rock chick building up a large fan base of males and females, her striking look make her more appealing to all markets which was evident when she landed her campaign Diesel.
Since being part of the group she has become a real rock chick building up a large fan base of males and females, her striking look make her more appealing to all markets which was evident when she landed her campaign Diesel.
Hannah aka Perry-Jack
Perry alike Trinity was born around music with her mother and father being well known names in the Camden area of London playing the venues desired in the late 70's. After a more turbulent childhood when her parents divorced and mother suddenly died Perry was kicked out of numerous schools an began writing and playing her own music. Her unstable home life reflects in her rebellious style today, Perry is the girl in the band that does her own thing, after openly admitting the group and girls are her life she cant handle being told what to do, she has learnt to take everyday as it comes and enjoy her success as a recording artist and musician. Her unpredictable characteristics have made her a household name and if anything have boosted her fan base. Probably the most out there member of The Noise but with the most diverse group of fans. We are hoping that the fans from all the girls are going to unite and follow the girls on every step of their journey.
Trinny Aka Trinity- Jack
Trinity has been on the music scene for a while, her mother and father have been huge influences in the rock and music industry. Her Mother Rose was a backing vocalist for Prince in the early 80's where as her father Stephan paid a big part in the success of Huey Lewis and the news.
Being brought up around music is evident in Trinity's style and it was destined that she would become successful in the industry. After being a child model for numerous fashion houses and the muse to some young designers her personal glam grunge style makes her unique. She began writing and performing light rock at the age of 12 building up a local fan base when settling in central london. Her years of traveling with her parents have made her worldly wise and has set her up for touring at a later stage.
Trinity works hard and plays hard and is beginning to be renowned for her partying antics after being seen out with her band mates and some of the worlds young socialites.
Being brought up around music is evident in Trinity's style and it was destined that she would become successful in the industry. After being a child model for numerous fashion houses and the muse to some young designers her personal glam grunge style makes her unique. She began writing and performing light rock at the age of 12 building up a local fan base when settling in central london. Her years of traveling with her parents have made her worldly wise and has set her up for touring at a later stage.
Trinity works hard and plays hard and is beginning to be renowned for her partying antics after being seen out with her band mates and some of the worlds young socialites.
Techno Wiz? - Emily
After looking at other people blogs i am quite concerned that we are not using enough technology such as flash player and creating stop motion clips. After discussion with the group and teacher we have realised that the aspects of our genre are not very techno is more about the props we use and the camera shots choosen. We annalysed many rock music videos and not once did we find stop motion ect. We now feel alot happier with our blog and what we are creating. As you can see we are busy creating differnt washes on our short clips, effects with editing and creating twitter accounts to show technicality within our group.
Filming- Emily.
Its growing closer to the day of our filming and the bringing together of props and costume are comeing along nicely. The drums will be colected by both me and jack on friday and the guitars and amps will be colected sunday morning.
Costume and props are being collected and put in one of our cars throughout the week
- shoes
- Dresses
- Jackets
- Tights
- Eyelashes
- Make-up
- Nail varnish
- Bottles
- Wires
Album Cover Research - Vic
These are the current album covers for 'The pretty reckless'.
I personally am not a fan of this album cover. I think it is slightly 'try hard' with the young child holding a cigarette lighter. I also believe that it is unethical to have such a small child holding a lighter.

On the other hand I think that this other 'pretty reckless' album cover looks effective. I like the black and white element and the entire band being iuncluded into the shot. I believe that if we keep our album cover simple like this it will look more effective.
I personally am not a fan of this album cover. I think it is slightly 'try hard' with the young child holding a cigarette lighter. I also believe that it is unethical to have such a small child holding a lighter.

On the other hand I think that this other 'pretty reckless' album cover looks effective. I like the black and white element and the entire band being iuncluded into the shot. I believe that if we keep our album cover simple like this it will look more effective.
Letter of permission- Emily
Dear Universal music group,
Im writing to request the use of the song ‘factory girl’ by the band ‘The pretty reckless’ for our A2 media music video. This will not be used for any commercial purposes whatsoever but will be hosted on youtube and our blog as this is a requirement of the course.
Kind regards
Emily Jones
Lutterworth Collage UK
Im writing to request the use of the song ‘factory girl’ by the band ‘The pretty reckless’ for our A2 media music video. This will not be used for any commercial purposes whatsoever but will be hosted on youtube and our blog as this is a requirement of the course.
Kind regards
Emily Jones
Lutterworth Collage UK
Lipstick!- Jack
Never did I think when continuing media for the second year I would be dedicating a post solely to lipstick. !
Heres Daisy in The Noise album Shhh Position. She is also wearing the dark coloured Lipstick today so I thought I would abuse the opportunity an stick her in front of the camera! this is just to prove that Daisy can look a little bit more rock and roll. Especially when she has been given smoky eyes and long straggly hair.
Heres Daisy in The Noise album Shhh Position. She is also wearing the dark coloured Lipstick today so I thought I would abuse the opportunity an stick her in front of the camera! this is just to prove that Daisy can look a little bit more rock and roll. Especially when she has been given smoky eyes and long straggly hair.
5 day weather forecast - Vic
I have researched the 5 day weather forecast to ensure that we film on days where the weather is similar. Due to 'typical' English weather most of the days are fairly grey. However there are a few that are meant to be fairly 'bright'. The issue is that our actors cannot film on some of the bright days and on the other days the team members have to work. We have come to an agreement that we will film on Sunday early morning.
I have reseached on the internet our 5 day local weather forecast and cropped the image in the programme 'Photoshop'. (Click on image to enlarge).
Follow The Noise!- Jack
For all that are interested The Noise girls are up and running on their twitter pages!!!
Find out what's going on with the girls day to day lives, join them on their journey from filming and launching their debut single Factory Girl and Brand New Album Shhh.
The Album is out on the 13th of December and the single is released next week on the 5th!
Get on i-tunes and pre-order now!! Lets get them a number one! they deserve it!
Follow the girls on Twitter 123TheNoise123
Find out what's going on with the girls day to day lives, join them on their journey from filming and launching their debut single Factory Girl and Brand New Album Shhh.
The Album is out on the 13th of December and the single is released next week on the 5th!
Get on i-tunes and pre-order now!! Lets get them a number one! they deserve it!
Follow the girls on Twitter 123TheNoise123
Possible difficulties for filming - Vic
One difficulty that we have thought of is if it is cloudy on one day of filming, and sunny on another day our film will therefore lack continuity. Therefore our film will not look as effective as we want it to be.
How to overcome this issue
I thought of the idea that if our lighting isnt correct for example its not as bright as we had hoped for then we could change the effect to black and white. This therefore will overcome the major continuity issue.
How to overcome this issue
I thought of the idea that if our lighting isnt correct for example its not as bright as we had hoped for then we could change the effect to black and white. This therefore will overcome the major continuity issue.
Risk assesment - Emily.
After looking over the storyboard we have highlighted a few minor details which we need to be careful of, due to health and saftey.
- highheels on unever ground.
- drinking bottles.
- cigeretts.
- lifting the guitar.
- wires on ground.
- litter.
- smashing the bottle on the ground.
- hypathermia - temp is forcasted at 6 degrees and the girls in skimpy clothing.
All of these thing we can try and iliminate by doing simple things such as:
- Clearing the foor of all rubish beforehand.
- Making sure the bottle has no alchol in it; substitute for week coffee/strong tea (cold)
- Hold them sencibly and dont inhale when smoking.
- Bend from your knees and not back to avoid strain
- Put alll the wires together and when were not filming clear them up.
- clear all litter up to avoid slipping.
- Make sure all team menbers and cast are out the way when the bottle smashes.
- All the girls wearing coats wheb not in shot to keep them warm.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Our Meeting 'Sorry its Late'-Jack
I appologise for this being late my laptop has been in for repair as something went wrong........ and well you no what its like trying to upload from your iphone:/.
Here are a couple of pictures of us in Starbucks attempting to finish our storyboard. Like the girls say we did get it done after overcoming a few minor mishaps. In the end I feel as though it actually came out quite well. We will have it set out and uploaded hopefully by the end of our double lesson tomorrow. We will also hope to have the animatic finished and uploaded.
Vic looking Studious.
Myself just enjoying the Latte.
Maybe a couple of minor disagreements.
Emily hard at work.
Overall a pretty successful day :)
Here are a couple of pictures of us in Starbucks attempting to finish our storyboard. Like the girls say we did get it done after overcoming a few minor mishaps. In the end I feel as though it actually came out quite well. We will have it set out and uploaded hopefully by the end of our double lesson tomorrow. We will also hope to have the animatic finished and uploaded.
Vic looking Studious.
Myself just enjoying the Latte.
Maybe a couple of minor disagreements.
Overall a pretty successful day :)
Friday, 22 October 2010
Finishing of the story board- Emily
I am happy to say that we have now completed our storyboard for our music video. As you know we met in Starbucks in Leicester to get our work complete; all talent starts in Starbucks. It took just over two and a half hours to get it complete and up to scratch. There was a few hic-ups in the way like Vic mentioned in an previous post, but all was completed, now we just need to upload the anomatic which is in the process of being made. As all groups do there was a slight clash of ideas but we worked around it to allow all of our ideas to be into the video. When we were there we also finalised the costume and make-up to allow us to collect all the props we need to do the video. most of the props are pretty easy to collect i.e Jack Daniels bottles and cigarette but the chaise longue and the instruments are not so easy so planning ahead was a good idea.
difficulty in blogging- emily
The internet has been down in my household over the past few days as we have switched broadband providers, but now it is back up and running i can blog again like usual.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
An interesting shot - Vic
We have seen this choppy shot, we like the way that the band members flash into shot and we definatly want to use something like this in our music video.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Our meeting - Vic
Our meeting to complete our un - finished story boards at the coffee shop starbucks was overall very successful, however we did come across some difficulties.
- We had a mix up of communication: I went to London on the Thursday before half term so therefore could not pick up the story boards from the classroom so I therefore thought emily was picking them up, however she had forgotten that I was going to London and thought I was collecting them. We did overcome the difficulty of not having the story boards there because Jack had taken photos on his phone of the ones we had completed before, therefore it was fairly easy and could look back at our pre-existing shots. We didnt buy anymore A3 paper we just bought post - it notes that I will stick onto the pre -existing incomplete story boards.
- Several times we did have a clash of individual ideas however we overcame all the 'heated conversations' by using all the ideas but in different parts of the video.
- We had a mix up of communication: I went to London on the Thursday before half term so therefore could not pick up the story boards from the classroom so I therefore thought emily was picking them up, however she had forgotten that I was going to London and thought I was collecting them. We did overcome the difficulty of not having the story boards there because Jack had taken photos on his phone of the ones we had completed before, therefore it was fairly easy and could look back at our pre-existing shots. We didnt buy anymore A3 paper we just bought post - it notes that I will stick onto the pre -existing incomplete story boards.
- Several times we did have a clash of individual ideas however we overcame all the 'heated conversations' by using all the ideas but in different parts of the video.
Story Boarding
Why I havent posted over the weekend- Vic
I have been unable to complete any Blog posts as I have been in London from last Thursday until Sunday night.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
As we are racing against the deadline, we have decided that we are going to meet in Leicester Strabucks, this way we can have a good session without any distractions. We are meeting on monday from 10 onwards. Im guessing roughly around 12ish.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Over view of ideas - Vic
I created this short video on Amimoto to present our ideas in a more technological way, to demonstrate my vast range of skills with a variety of internet programmes. It also a more clear way of sharing our ideas and it is presented in an unusual fashion. the video is is straight to the point no elaboration is needed because of the combination of short text and images to illustrate the text.
Ideas for filming - Vic
The idea that I believe will look effective in our video is the lead singer during the party seen dancing. I think to look effective the camera has to be focused on her, she must be in the middle of the croud so therefore the audience's eyes are drawn to her. I envision something similar to this clip of 'effy' in the TV serial 'Skins'.
Monday, 11 October 2010
The day of filming -Emily.
The day: sunday 31st october
Location: Old barn
Start (time): Emily, Jack, Vic 7am Trinny, Hannah, Daisy 8am Other cast 12pm
Finish (time): Emily, Jack, Vic 3pm Trinny, Hannah, Daisy 2pm Other cast 2pm
Times for the day
7 till 8... E.J.V will sort out cameras, tripods, make up, costume, props, mise en scene and final check of story board.
8 till 10... Trinny Hannah and daisy's seperate shots to be done in this two hour slots. Hannah said that she wouldn't mind with helping us with the make up, as she is very good at achieving this look.
10 till 12... shots of the group together. Were taking a picture of the wanted look, so we can refer back to it each time before we film to avoid continuity errors. This will also save time so we don't have to re-do shots when there not shot right.
12 till 2... shots of the girls with the other cast members. we have a clear vision of what we want so we believe that this will be achieveable in 2 hours.
As a group we have said that filming the whole thing in 6 hours is a big ask but we believe if we work as a group and keep focused we will be able to do this and with time to spare to touch up bit which could be done better.
Were hoping that the weather is going to be like a sunny winters day, this way it will be bright but everything could have dew on it giving it a fresh look to it opposing the look of the actors who are looking not so fresh.
Finaly... some drums- Emily.
Luckily i have managed to locate some drums which we can borrow off a friend from school. This peices of equiptment has caused me much hassle over the last few weeks, but now i am glad to say i have managed to find some to use in the video. We have to take very good care of all the instuments were using but the drums are quite expencive peice of kit. i believe they are black which will tie in well with our rock theme.
Costume- Jack
I have the glasses that the characters will wear. Luckily i have three pairs! so there is enough for each of the cahracters.
StoryBoard- Jack, Emily, Vic
Heres the girls trying to time the music with the shots we have set, we have made it so that the montage fits in perfect time with the music.
(fingers Crossed it pays of when it comes to editing).
This shows that Emily has is able to listen to the music and pick out the individual beats and make sure they are times perfectly with the shots. After watching many of failed attempts this actually does prove to be a skill.
It also has been very important in the story boarding process, we would not have been able to complete what we have done so far (what we have done so far will be uploaded soon).
(fingers Crossed it pays of when it comes to editing).
This shows that Emily has is able to listen to the music and pick out the individual beats and make sure they are times perfectly with the shots. After watching many of failed attempts this actually does prove to be a skill.
It also has been very important in the story boarding process, we would not have been able to complete what we have done so far (what we have done so far will be uploaded soon).
We are hoping to film on the 31st of October (sunday). Starting at around 7 and hopefully finishing by 2oclock. lets hope the girls can handle the early mornings!!!!
Myself, Emily and Vic want to go down on the 30th (saturday) and clear up so we can have things done before the cast turn up, so they can come, do what we want them to and then go. We want this to be as easy as possible for the girls and for ourselves.
Myself, Emily and Vic want to go down on the 30th (saturday) and clear up so we can have things done before the cast turn up, so they can come, do what we want them to and then go. We want this to be as easy as possible for the girls and for ourselves.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Our Pitch - Vic
During my free period, have completed editing (on the Mac)our pitch that we showed to the class last lesson. I plan to (when I have the opportunity) upload it onto the blog, hopefully tomorrow, during my next free period. I will also analysis our pitch and assess the feedback.
Website- Emily

Days of filming- Emily
Currently we are struggling to find a day which all three of the band members can do, due to other commitments. At the moment we are finding a way to get round this becuase we dont want to comprimise on the actors, because we belive that using these three girls with carful use of costume props and make-up will be very effective and portray the sexy/grime image which we wish to portray.
Drums... This peice of equiptment is causing me quite alot of stress, because its not somthing which every household has stashed in the back cupboard. I have been asking around a few people i know but its not somthing people are going to lend us without serious consideration; as some of the equiptment can cost thousands of pounds. I have also asked the school, but they can only let me borrow it if we are to use it in school, which we arnt, we need to use it in the location we have picked.
The Guitar isnt such a problem as we know lots of people that have a number of them and people are not so protective of them.
hopfully all issues will be sorted within the next few days.
Drums... This peice of equiptment is causing me quite alot of stress, because its not somthing which every household has stashed in the back cupboard. I have been asking around a few people i know but its not somthing people are going to lend us without serious consideration; as some of the equiptment can cost thousands of pounds. I have also asked the school, but they can only let me borrow it if we are to use it in school, which we arnt, we need to use it in the location we have picked.
The Guitar isnt such a problem as we know lots of people that have a number of them and people are not so protective of them.
hopfully all issues will be sorted within the next few days.
Story-boarding process - Vic & Emily
During the story- boarding process we are finding it helpful to look back at previous posts, because we have highlighted the key ideas and camera shots what we liked and thought would look effective in our video. We also are looking back at the photos that were taken of the Location to ensure that we do not miss any cruicial shots or elements.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Background information on the Pretty Reckless - Vic
Taylor Momsen is aged 17, she fronts the band and also sings lead vocals. Momsen writes the songs along with Ben Phillips and their producer Kato Khandwala. Momsen has been in the spot light from a very small age beginning at just three years old where she signed onto a modelling company doing a variety of adverts. Taylor then went onto to be one of the key characters in the 2000 film 'The Grinch who stole Christmas' at the age of seven years old. From the large role in the Grinch at such a small age Taylor did a variety of other small jobs mainly in the film industry, until she landed the star role in the US Drama 'Gossip Girl'. However she always wanted to write songs and be in a band.
The Pretty Reckless signed a deal with Interscope in March 2009. She writes the her songs, sings and plays basic guitar on the album. Taylor and the band played their first tour by opening for 'The Veronicas' on their revenge is sweeter tour in spring 2009. The Pretty Reckless has just finished a tour in 2010 and have recently played at a British music festival (V festival): Summer 2010. The band's debut album is called 'light me up' which was released on August 30th in the UK. The singles 'Make me wanna die' and 'miss nothing' were released to promote the album.
The Pretty Reckless signed a deal with Interscope in March 2009. She writes the her songs, sings and plays basic guitar on the album. Taylor and the band played their first tour by opening for 'The Veronicas' on their revenge is sweeter tour in spring 2009. The Pretty Reckless has just finished a tour in 2010 and have recently played at a British music festival (V festival): Summer 2010. The band's debut album is called 'light me up' which was released on August 30th in the UK. The singles 'Make me wanna die' and 'miss nothing' were released to promote the album.
Therefore Taylor went from this innocent 7 year old child (Above)
To this seemingly 'out of control' teenager (17 years old) (below)
Whilst filming - Vic
Whilst filming we need to ensure that the light is correct - we need it to be bright outside, crisp and dry. The natural light from outside will light the barn however i believe we will need to bring in some artificial light i.e from car headlights. This could possibly prove difficult due to the width of the concrete in the barn may not be wide enough.
A further thing we need to keep in mind is health and saftey. There is many possible dangers at the location which could cause either our actors or ourselves to trip and fall. The hazards are:
- The moss on the ground, which could be slippy.
- The broken glass on the floor.
- The metal wires on the floor, from burnt tires.
- The litter on the floor.
- The un-level ground.

Therefore whilst filming we need to watch our step to ensure that we have no injuries. This will allows us to film efficiently and to the time limit we will set ourselves.
A further thing we need to keep in mind is health and saftey. There is many possible dangers at the location which could cause either our actors or ourselves to trip and fall. The hazards are:
- The moss on the ground, which could be slippy.
- The broken glass on the floor.
- The metal wires on the floor, from burnt tires.
- The litter on the floor.
- The un-level ground.
Therefore whilst filming we need to watch our step to ensure that we have no injuries. This will allows us to film efficiently and to the time limit we will set ourselves.
Location Images-Jack
Here is an imovie i have made containing images and captions of the location of where were are going to film our music video. I have placed the Aged film effect onto the picture so that it looks a little more similar to what we image out video to look like. Hopefully this will give a better insight into the groups overall vision. I dont think i could be any happier with the location, I think its the right amount of grunge and dirtiness that we were looking.
We are sitting down today as a group (for as long as we can , considering as emily is going on a school trip) and beginning to storyboard. I am thinking at this moment in time the process wont be too long considering we are all bringing new creative ideas to the table.
We have also decided that if there are any disagreements we are going to film all of our ideas (which we realise may take more time, but the ideas do not differ too much) and then see which one looks more effective when editing.
Here is am editing on the mac and searching the blog for any ideas that we may have previously stated.
Here are Emily and Vic working hard on illustrating the storyboard and writing down step by step whats going to happen.
We have decided to work on post-it notes because things can then be moved around easier and what not. We will eventually take rough photographs of what we are going to do scene by scene and make an anamatic story board to upload onto the blog.
Post-it notes also enable us to make mistakes and add in any other conflicting ideas underneath one another.
We have also decided that if there are any disagreements we are going to film all of our ideas (which we realise may take more time, but the ideas do not differ too much) and then see which one looks more effective when editing.
Here is am editing on the mac and searching the blog for any ideas that we may have previously stated.
Here are Emily and Vic working hard on illustrating the storyboard and writing down step by step whats going to happen.
We have decided to work on post-it notes because things can then be moved around easier and what not. We will eventually take rough photographs of what we are going to do scene by scene and make an anamatic story board to upload onto the blog.
Post-it notes also enable us to make mistakes and add in any other conflicting ideas underneath one another.
Location Shots - Vic
Over the weekend I went to the chosen location and took a variety of shots to show the rest of the group the location in detail. The shots of the location look really effective and I believe we can achieve our vision by using this location i.e. grundy and deserted. Here are several of the photos which I took, I sent Jack all of the photos and we created a slideshow on his 'Macbook'. 
I believe that this location will look effective for our own music video because it looks deserted and grungy. The positives to filming at this location is that we will not be interupted by individuals as it is 'off the beaten track' so therefore it will be less likely for individuals to get in the way of filming.
The large open space can work both positivly and negitivly. Positivly in the sense we have a large areas to film, the set will not look cluttered and squashed however the negative side to the location is that we will need vast amounts of people to create a 'party scene' or it will look empty. A further negative to the location is that we will struggle to get an light inside the barn so therefore the video may end up looking too dark. However to overcome the darkness issue, we can use one of the other barns
which is more open so therefor allows more light to enter the barns, for example the barn to the right allows alot more light than the other barn (Images at the top of post).
We need to film on a bright crip day to ensure we have enough light for the shot to look clear and effective, this is a crucial element to creating any type of video.
We need to film on a bright crip day to ensure we have enough light for the shot to look clear and effective, this is a crucial element to creating any type of video.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Experimenting Effect- Jack, Vic, Emily.
As a group we shot a few short scenes containing numerous angles and shots. We then uploaded them on to my mac and edited them on imovie. We added different effects and color washes onto them just to experiment for our final video. We also did it to get back into the swing of using my mac.
Monday, 4 October 2010
25 word pitch feedback. Emily
On the day of pitching our filming idea to the class, unfortunately Jack was ill so unable to pitch. Me and Vic therefore did it together, and we found that there was a very positive response to our idea.
There were many questions which the class brought up to highlight the strengths of our idea and the weaknesses. Me and Vic both feel that the pitch was very successful and that our idea is very strong and if we stick to ideas the location and work well as a group we could create a video of extreme high standard.
The problems that were highlighted were about:
The narrative.
The characters and there costume.
And lighting up the location.
The strengths that were highlighted were:
The overall idea.
The location.
Themes that we have picked out.
There were many questions which the class brought up to highlight the strengths of our idea and the weaknesses. Me and Vic both feel that the pitch was very successful and that our idea is very strong and if we stick to ideas the location and work well as a group we could create a video of extreme high standard.
The problems that were highlighted were about:
The narrative.
The characters and there costume.
And lighting up the location.
The strengths that were highlighted were:
The overall idea.
The location.
Themes that we have picked out.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Video Effects.-Jack
Also the video rewind idea i think looks excellent speeding some moments up and givin them almost an adrenalin impulse. In my opinion just makes the video look a bit more exciting an fast paced. The colour scheme of this video is excellent aswell, exactly what our group likes.
-Here is a shot of the fast rewind sequence and a short snippet of the colour scheme.
My favourite part of this clip is when she has the blonde cropped hair, it makes it feel haunted. I think the more themes there are then the audience will broaden, the more audience the appreciative they will be of the video hopefully.
- Another Fast shot that almost looks like what the sound of a scratched CD is like. I think it looks crazy and slightly insane but a easy effective way to make the video look clever.
This clip is full of little effects and clever things, all of which i am interested in copying. I like the small flashes of light and of course the rewind/fast forward effect.
-Here is a shot of the fast rewind sequence and a short snippet of the colour scheme.
My favourite part of this clip is when she has the blonde cropped hair, it makes it feel haunted. I think the more themes there are then the audience will broaden, the more audience the appreciative they will be of the video hopefully.
- Another Fast shot that almost looks like what the sound of a scratched CD is like. I think it looks crazy and slightly insane but a easy effective way to make the video look clever.
This clip is full of little effects and clever things, all of which i am interested in copying. I like the small flashes of light and of course the rewind/fast forward effect.
Hopes For The Day Of Filming. -Jack
As we all no the deadline is creeping up on us, so as a group we could really do with sitting down and setting a date, so we can therefore ask and organise for our actors and actresses to turn up, to gather all of the props together and to dress the location. There have been minor complications so far, for instance one of the girls (daisy) is in the latest stage of recovery from an operation, she has re-assured us she is going to be fine, but as a close friend I cant lie that i'm slightly worried about her. But we have to continue planning as though she is going to be there and then if she isn't have to find a somebody else. I have had words with a few other friends and Alex Lovatt has agreed to help us and stand in last minute if needs be which is a massive re-assurance to the group.
Also the weather. Ideal weather for the shoot would be a cold but bright day, preferably no rain, but of course we can not control the great British weather. I like the idea of the girls maybe being in big coats, maybe fur or thick leather biker jackets with studs which probably would look right if the weather was hot (fat chance of it ever being hot).
As myself and Emily have yet to go to see the location (we have seen pictures and video's so don't worry too much) we would be interested to see if a car could fit on the inside enabling us to light the room, so that it stays consistent for filming. We are all planning a few meetings before the actual shoot so the girls can see wardrobe looks I have pulled and to collectively look at what we have all done to hopefully decide on an amazing plan. We are still unsure wether we will be filming for more than one day so we are hoping if that happens that the weather stays as consistent as possible. We also think that making Trinny come before the other girls is essential as she will be in the majority of the shots and we dont want the other girls to have waisted their time. Even though on saying this i would like Hannah their to asist her wardrobe and makeup this presuming that myself Vic and Emily will be too busy sorting out the location.
After talking to the teacher ablout weather apps and sun up and down times and how to add them onto the blog may seem helpful to indicate the weather times and how long we have to film in the day.
Also the weather. Ideal weather for the shoot would be a cold but bright day, preferably no rain, but of course we can not control the great British weather. I like the idea of the girls maybe being in big coats, maybe fur or thick leather biker jackets with studs which probably would look right if the weather was hot (fat chance of it ever being hot).
As myself and Emily have yet to go to see the location (we have seen pictures and video's so don't worry too much) we would be interested to see if a car could fit on the inside enabling us to light the room, so that it stays consistent for filming. We are all planning a few meetings before the actual shoot so the girls can see wardrobe looks I have pulled and to collectively look at what we have all done to hopefully decide on an amazing plan. We are still unsure wether we will be filming for more than one day so we are hoping if that happens that the weather stays as consistent as possible. We also think that making Trinny come before the other girls is essential as she will be in the majority of the shots and we dont want the other girls to have waisted their time. Even though on saying this i would like Hannah their to asist her wardrobe and makeup this presuming that myself Vic and Emily will be too busy sorting out the location.
After talking to the teacher ablout weather apps and sun up and down times and how to add them onto the blog may seem helpful to indicate the weather times and how long we have to film in the day.
Constructive Audience Feedback-Jack
I have been told that it would be useful to add friends to follow our blog and encourage them to leave constructive criticism. This will help the group become more aware of audience feedback and to ensure that our project is going to be pleasing it viewers. I hope to add a large group of friends to follow the blog as the more feedback the better in my eyes.
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