Here is one shot that we had initally seen and thought it was a good idea to use the idea of the other band members flashing into the shot. We altered the shot to have all three band members in it first then they flash out, we also added a verity of different choppy shots.
We gained inspiration from Taylor Momsen make up, hair and costume in the 'Pretty Reckless' video 'Makes me wanna die'. We thought it looked very gothic and effective which links with the theme.
Monday, 20 December 2010
Question 4- Jack, emily, Vic
Here is a video that we have been shown in the lesson, it gave us ideas in which to answer question 4, this was our favorite. We have always said that the technology question is the most tedious to complete and also watch. We wanted to do something inventive, so we thought we could adapt this to what we need to do.
Making sure we make note on all technology that we have used and the links between the two. For instance Tube chop,Youtube and Blogger, we used tube chop after looking through video's on youtube and chop the sections we want and them put them on the blogger.
We will most likely choose a song to put with the video, i think it should be more of a mellow song but i think we should do one by The Pretty Reckless so i have Chosen You.
I also think that its wise to stick within the colour scheme for this video. So Black, Red, Yellows and earthy colours, nothing too bright and in your face. We will then add logo's for youtube and Blogger and what not (techno things we have used). We will also ensure that we include Twitter on this as we used that as almost an information source of what the band are all about and what their up to. \
Question 2 - Vic, Jack, Emily
This question focuses on how well did everything link together this includes the music video, the digi pac and the poster.
This evalution question is for us to demonstrate our understanding of genre and how all elements must link together.
All three of us created our music video together, however we created our own digi pac and posters. We had very different visions for our digi pacs and posters. We have used several of the same images for ancillary products however they all came out very differently: emily created a painted style digi pac andposter, jack created a pigi pack with with an antic edge and i created a a very gothic style digipac and poster.
This evalution question is for us to demonstrate our understanding of genre and how all elements must link together.
All three of us created our music video together, however we created our own digi pac and posters. We had very different visions for our digi pacs and posters. We have used several of the same images for ancillary products however they all came out very differently: emily created a painted style digi pac andposter, jack created a pigi pack with with an antic edge and i created a a very gothic style digipac and poster.
Audience Feedback - Vic
Our audience feedback includes:
- Comments from our teachers on the our blog posts.
- Feeback from our teachers after our first draft.
- Feeback from our 25 word pitch.
- Our first draft questionnaire feedback, for our class.
- Feedback from other media students who have seen our music video draft.
We will deomstrate how the feedback effected our final music video, to show that we listened to our audience and created a better video.
- Comments from our teachers on the our blog posts.
- Feeback from our teachers after our first draft.
- Feeback from our 25 word pitch.
- Our first draft questionnaire feedback, for our class.
- Feedback from other media students who have seen our music video draft.
We will deomstrate how the feedback effected our final music video, to show that we listened to our audience and created a better video.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Evaluation Question 3- Emily, Jack, Vic
How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary products?
- Elements choosen to carry across work and why it represents the artists.
-What we have not included and why.
-Use a range of tecnology.
-Evaluate the branding.
For this we will:
Do a radio show of us being interviewd talking about how each of us use the pictures and style in a different way tocreate different digi-paks from the same film. We will then put that radio commentary over the top of a image slide show emphasise what we are taking about. We will be interviewd together and each comment on eachothers.
- Elements choosen to carry across work and why it represents the artists.
-What we have not included and why.
-Use a range of tecnology.
-Evaluate the branding.
For this we will:
Do a radio show of us being interviewd talking about how each of us use the pictures and style in a different way tocreate different digi-paks from the same film. We will then put that radio commentary over the top of a image slide show emphasise what we are taking about. We will be interviewd together and each comment on eachothers.
Question 3 Planning- Jack, Emily, Vic
Firstly we will put up the questionnaires that we asked people at the beginning, asking them about what the thought about our genre, who they would associate with the drama, wether they had heard of the group (The Pretty Reckless) and the song (Factory Girl) and so on....
For question 3 we have decided to do audio notes for our audience feedback, all of which will be interrupted by our comments on what's being said. We want to start with the teachers reaction on the location the song and their main focus at the start of the course, The girl's. We want to make a point about how they were unsure about our choice of girls and wondered how we would transform them into suitable figures for our genre. We would then play the video and show the ancillary products to the teachers and a selected few people including the stars of the video and ask them to give feedback, being completely honest. Commenting on what they thing worked and what they think didn't work, the location, the costume, the song, and whether there was continuity throughout not only the video but between the video and ancillary products. After this we think that it may be a good idea to add things onto maybe a slide show or image loop of things we disagreed on but then compromised as a group, such as costume, the editing of the music and so on.
We hope that this will give a clear insight into how we shaped our final products and how audience, teacher and our own feedback made our products what they are today.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Question 1 planning - Vic, Emily and Jack
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions ofa real media product?
We are going to produce our answer to this question in an interview style question. We are going to be responding to a law suit - The claim that we have copied their ideas and thier music video. We are going to produce a strong argument with the use of examples to create a clear strong argument.
The theoriest we are going to use are:
Laura Mulvey (Male Gaze)
Stuart (Matching editing to music beats)
Furguson (Facial expressions)
Millum (Facial expressions)
Roland Bathes (Narative Code)
We are going to compare our Music video to:
Courtney Love (Hole)
Taylor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless)
Effy (Skins)
We are going to produce our answer to this question in an interview style question. We are going to be responding to a law suit - The claim that we have copied their ideas and thier music video. We are going to produce a strong argument with the use of examples to create a clear strong argument.
The theoriest we are going to use are:
Laura Mulvey (Male Gaze)
Stuart (Matching editing to music beats)
Furguson (Facial expressions)
Millum (Facial expressions)
Roland Bathes (Narative Code)
We are going to compare our Music video to:
Courtney Love (Hole)
Taylor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless)
Effy (Skins)
Friday, 10 December 2010
After what seems like the longest day of my entire life i think i have finally finished!
ive handed in my digi pack and poster (as seen below) so hopefully it turned out well!!!!!!
ive handed in my digi pack and poster (as seen below) so hopefully it turned out well!!!!!!
reasons for digipak and poster- emily

For my poster i really like the idea of it being a mirrored effect creating more people in the band. I think that it really makes the band look alot fuller and more powerfull. I messed around with some other photos and different font until i found one which i really liked. The font i have choosen in a white called OCR A EXTENDED. I really like this text as its simple and lets the photo do the talking for the band. The photo i have choosen for the poster is the same as the front of the digi pack. I have done this because i belive it ties the digi pack and poster together so you can see it is from the same artist and the same album. Also i have choosen MOJO KERRANG and Q to feature on my magazine showing to the
audience what genre of music it is without having to listen.Throught the poster and digi-pak there is a theme running throughout with the paint effect which lies over the top of the pictures. I have choosen this effect because personally i think it makes the piece look more vampy glamour by giving it a gothic twist. Again the font i have used is the same on the digi-pak as it is on the poster, this gives it some form of continuity throughout the peices. I have taken ispiration from many digi packs but the one which i took the most was 'WET WET WET.' Even though this isnt my genre of music i belived it gave my digi-pak the look which it needed. The painted effect was shown throughout the wet wet wet digi-pak and i instantly took a liking to it. I also choose to have no text on the extra pages on the digi-pak as i belive that my didgi-pak is more visual than anything else, its more like a piece of art on each page than a extra page with text on.
I belive my digi-pak could be improved slightly by maybe using a different layout or a more formal font. All in all i think both are very sucsessful and have turned out exactly like i wanted them too!
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Posters - Vic
I am finding it difficult to find inspiration for my poster so I reaserched several on the internet.
Here are several examples of other band posters.

I am unsure whether to use a photo of all thee girls in the band like the 2nd image above, or a single image of the lead singer like the images of courtney Love and Taylor momsen above.
I am completely sure that i am not going to use a drawn image as it wouldnt fit with my digipak theme.
Here are several examples of other band posters.

I am unsure whether to use a photo of all thee girls in the band like the 2nd image above, or a single image of the lead singer like the images of courtney Love and Taylor momsen above.
I am completely sure that i am not going to use a drawn image as it wouldnt fit with my digipak theme.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
More editing - Vic
Here is another photo that I have edited, I really do like the way that I have made her hair fire red and also given it a glossy texture. My only concern is that I have cut it from the original background and im not sure how it will look when put onto another background on the Digipak.
Analysis of Photoshoot - Vic
I have used the programme prezi to analysis our photo shoot. I have included the best photos and stated why they look good and why they work, I have also included other photos stating why they do not work.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Before and After - Vic
I have used the programme Image Loop to create a slideshow of the original photos that were taken at the photo shoot and the edited version. These are just several of them; I still need to edit some photos of daisy (Fleur).
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Why I didnt upload my full Digipac - Vic
I havent had a chance to upload my final version of the digipac because my photos were on the school computer and I wasnt at school Thursday because the buses stopped running to Lutterworth so I couldnt get in or home and on Friday I only had one lesson and my teacher couldnt get in to school so I wasnt in Friday. I have already uploaded some of my edited Photos that I have done I just need to add more too them.
Friday, 3 December 2010
My Mock up Digi Pack- Jack
Of course when its submitted all images will be standard size 11.9x11.9.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Example Digi-Packs- Jack
Here is the cover for Rihanna's new album LOUD. This is one of my favorite covers i think the colour of her hair and lips just make it pop. I also think that the fact she has her eyes shut quite quirky as the cover normally relies on the artists eyes to lure the audience in.
They have chosen very subtle lettering which i like because it keeps the photo the main focus. They have also included the label title which is quite a focal point due to the colous they have chosen.
Here is one of the many pictures inside of Rihanna's album. Its one of the more controversial pictures as she isnt wearing anything other than flowers and fur. i like the element of rebellion in this picture and think that this sort of thing would fit i was making a real digi pack for the characters we have made up, but as not all the girls are over 18 and its a school project i think it would seem slightly innapropriate. But i do think that a digi pack needs an element of surprise and edge about it.
This is another picture which i think is nice in the digi pack. I think its good because its suits the writing in the background. Of course its far too feminine for what we are looking for but its worth taking into account because the pages dedicated solely to writing are good. The white fluid lettering looks nice and is quite dramatic, i look at the page and want to read it.
yet another nice picture, the floaty dress and the red hair are contrasting to the forest around them her position where she is looking away from the camera. the conventions of the picture doesn't necessarily draw the audience in but the way she is holding the dress and how her arms introduce the picture (almost makes u pan up to her head) make it interesting.
Here is another picture that is slightly more provocative, i think that the tattoo looks really good in this. I think the position is far too animalistic for something that we are trying to acheive but i think it has been well stylised for Rihanna's music.
This is one of my favourite pictures in the digi pack because it has depth and a nice effect on it. The feathering has made the photograph look a little blurry. and with the lettering that just blends into the background adds a really nice effect. I would like to take this idea and adding subtle tilted writing.
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