Wednesday 15 December 2010

Question 3 Planning- Jack, Emily, Vic

Firstly we will put up the questionnaires that we asked people at the beginning, asking them about what the thought about our genre, who they would associate with the drama, wether they had heard of the group (The Pretty Reckless) and the song (Factory Girl) and so on....
For question 3 we have decided to do audio notes for our audience feedback, all of which will be interrupted by our comments on what's being said.  We want to start with the teachers reaction on the location the song and their main focus at the start of the course, The girl's. We want to make a point about how they were unsure about our choice of girls and wondered how we would transform them into suitable figures for our genre.  We would then play the video and show the ancillary products to the teachers and a selected few people including the stars of the video and ask them to give feedback, being completely honest. Commenting on what they thing worked and what they think didn't work, the location, the costume, the song, and whether there was continuity throughout not only the video but between the video and ancillary products. After this we think that it may be a good idea to add things onto maybe a slide show or image loop of things we disagreed on but then compromised as a group, such as costume, the editing of the music and so on. 

We hope that this will give a clear insight into how we shaped our final products and how audience, teacher and our own feedback made our products what they are today. 

1 comment:

  1. Also include thought on WHY audience feedback is so important. Why do you need to know WHAT your audience like and want to see. For higher marks consider what you ignored and why and be honest enough to evaluate whether you made the correct decisions.
