Here are several Photos that I have edited, some look quite good however other do not look as good. I am going to upload several edited photos over the next week and get some audience feedback to help me decide which ones to use. I believe that Jack and Emily are going to do the same and we can decide out of the best ones which to use in our digipac.
Here are several Photos that I have edited. I think that these ones look quite effective and fit in with our genre and the band.
I did edit this one, I thought that i could experiemtn with a pruple wash however I personally do not think this one looks very effective however I will still include it in the audience feedback.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Photoshop - Vic
We are currently experiementing on Photoshop editing some pictures wwhich were taken of the 3 girls for our digipac. I am finding it fairly difficult because I did a film last year for my coursework and havent properly used Photoshop since the beggining of last year. When we were taught how to use it. However I believe that the photos that I have edited so far are looking fairly impressive.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Poster moc- Emily.

After fiddling around with photoshop to get myself used to the software again i came up with this. I dont think this is very good at all as it doesn't look professional enough. The rule of thirds hasnt been applied here and for the shot used i think it needs to be. The photo is good and the cutting out is good also, but as a whole i just dont think it works. The red background is to overpowering for the picture so we need to consider a different colour for the background. The text needs to reconsidered also as i dont think that this style works for the genre of music. The mise en scene from the picture is effective with the use of trinnys stockings, the red lips and the sheer partly see-through top that hannah is wearing showing skin.
The best photos at the photoshoot - Vic
In my personal photos these best pictures that were taken at the photoshoot, and will look the most effective after being edited:
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Photo shoot analysis.
I used the programme prezi to demonstrate my creative and ICT skills. I analysised several of the best and worst images from the photoshoot. Furthermore i also stated how they could have been improved.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
DigiPack/Poster- Emily
I feel that these are both coming along very nicely, and that after next week we make have finalised our ideas and will be focusing on the final products. As soon as the whole group has decided on an idea we will post it to the blog to give you all and idea of that were going for. We are using photoshop which at first i was worried about. I have now got used to the softwear and are very happy with using it.
Final Product- Emily
After some hard work editing and early mornings we have finaly got the video to look like we wanted it. We found there were some bits that we needed to change from the story board and as a group we belive they have worked out for the better. I really think we have managed to capture the genre of our video well, with the use of different washes and choppy editing. We also managed to keep continuity excelent as we only used footage from one of the days. Overall i am very happy with our final product and now we are just working hard on our digi packs and poster for the group. I just hope now that they can be as sucsessful and only enhance our video.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Filming on Monday - Vic
Before we began filming on Monday night Jack and I had several concerns:
- We couldnt film in the original location due to the lack of light as we had to film around 7pm because Trinity didnt finish work until 6pm.
-Finding a location to re-film in Trinitys house.
-Finding a suitable location which matches our genre for the digi pack.
- Getting to and from the location.
Although we did have these concerns we were able to overcome all of them, therefore the day was very successful. Jack and I had a look around the house to see if we could film in a suitable place. We found and old brick fire place which we believed to perfect. We filmed Trinity singing the entire song so that we can add more 'performance' shots in our music video. We got through everything fairly quickly because we used our time well. Also yet again the girls listened well and got everything first time.
- We couldnt film in the original location due to the lack of light as we had to film around 7pm because Trinity didnt finish work until 6pm.
-Finding a location to re-film in Trinitys house.
-Finding a suitable location which matches our genre for the digi pack.
- Getting to and from the location.
Although we did have these concerns we were able to overcome all of them, therefore the day was very successful. Jack and I had a look around the house to see if we could film in a suitable place. We found and old brick fire place which we believed to perfect. We filmed Trinity singing the entire song so that we can add more 'performance' shots in our music video. We got through everything fairly quickly because we used our time well. Also yet again the girls listened well and got everything first time.
Monday night- Emily
Unfortunatly i was unable to make it on monday night due to prior commitments. After speaking to both Vic and Jack i found that it went very well. i trust them alot that the photos will have came out exactly as planned
Why we moved filming to Monday night - Vic
Unfortunatly we had to move filming from Sunday morning to Monday night. I was unable to film on Sunday due to a family problem which was a bit disappointing that we couldnt film then but we found a way round it: me and Jack could film on Monday night with the girls. Whilst we filmed we also took a veriety of Photographs of the girls for the digi pack.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Time Schedule for Sunday - Vic
8.30 - Meeting.
8.40 - Begin make up.
9.00 - Finish make up.
9.05 - Get shots of daisy playing guitar: mid and long shots.
9.15 - Get some group still shots of the girls, for Digi pac and C.D promotion poster.
9.55 - Daisy leaves for work. Hannah leaves.
10.00 - Get close ups of Trinity lip syncing the second half of the song. Getting her to repeat several times with a veriety of different shots including: Extreame close up shots of of her mouth, close up of the face, mid shot, long shots.
10.40 - Get some shots of Trinity in different locations singing.
11.00 - Shots of Trinity in other locations.
11.30 - Finished.
8.40 - Begin make up.
9.00 - Finish make up.
9.05 - Get shots of daisy playing guitar: mid and long shots.
9.15 - Get some group still shots of the girls, for Digi pac and C.D promotion poster.
9.55 - Daisy leaves for work. Hannah leaves.
10.00 - Get close ups of Trinity lip syncing the second half of the song. Getting her to repeat several times with a veriety of different shots including: Extreame close up shots of of her mouth, close up of the face, mid shot, long shots.
10.40 - Get some shots of Trinity in different locations singing.
11.00 - Shots of Trinity in other locations.
11.30 - Finished.
Check List for Sunday - Vic
As I am in charge of filming this Sunday I thought it would be useful to create a check list...
1. Chaise Long.
2. Guitar and guitar strap.
3. Make up.
4. Printed off of Lyrics.
5. Story Boards.
6. Still images of the girls faces, so therefore we can get make up the same.
7. Text girls before to bring the clothes.
8. Camera.
9. Tripod.
10. Spare Batteries for camera.
11. A still image camera.
12. Jack daniels bottle.
13. Ciggerettes.
14. Hair product: to make the hair messy.
15. Hair spray.
16. Fur coats.
17. Phone so I can play the song for Trinity to lip sync.
18. Microphone.
!9. Microphone stand.
20. Hair Brush.
21. Umberella (Just in case).
1. Chaise Long.
2. Guitar and guitar strap.
3. Make up.
4. Printed off of Lyrics.
5. Story Boards.
6. Still images of the girls faces, so therefore we can get make up the same.
7. Text girls before to bring the clothes.
8. Camera.
9. Tripod.
10. Spare Batteries for camera.
11. A still image camera.
12. Jack daniels bottle.
13. Ciggerettes.
14. Hair product: to make the hair messy.
15. Hair spray.
16. Fur coats.
17. Phone so I can play the song for Trinity to lip sync.
18. Microphone.
!9. Microphone stand.
20. Hair Brush.
21. Umberella (Just in case).
Check list
Weather Forecast - Vic
I have been onto the BBC weather forecast to assess the weather for Sunday. Currantly its a possitive overview, from being wet and rainy the entire 4 days leading up to Sunday, then sunday is forecast white clouds. This is a similar forecast to the previous time we filmed. This is a really possitive result.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
2nd date of filming- emily
As you know are second date to film will be on the sunday the 21st. Unfortunatly i will not be able to be there and neither will jack whic we are both very dissapointed about. What we will do is try and sort out as much stuff as possible before the day to make sure evrything goes to plan on the sunday. Little things like making sure vic had a fully charged camera and enough space on tapes and a tripod, as well as reminding the girls of how their hair and make-up was on the previous filming date. We have spoken as a group to discus what shots we need to finalise the music video. We are going to create almost like a mini story board for the day to help vic remember which shots are needed.
Sunday 21st- Jack
The new plan is to film on sunday rather than saturday as some of the girls are unable to be there saturday morning. Myself and Emily may not be able to be present so Vic will be sorting out the day. I no i will do as much as i possibly can to make sure vics morning goes smoothly. For instance im meeting with ll the girls to tell them what they are wearing and what not and to tell them to behave hah!
I think the day will run smoothly for Vic. All the girls need to remember is their make up and clothes! and then if hannah could use her brothers guitar again that would be great. But i will be sorting this all out before hand!!!
I think the day will run smoothly for Vic. All the girls need to remember is their make up and clothes! and then if hannah could use her brothers guitar again that would be great. But i will be sorting this all out before hand!!!
Feedback- Jack
After receiving feedback we think we did well. We completely understand what we need to do to improve on our video. We have sat down as a group and discussed if we agree with what the teachers have said, and overall we do, there is a few shots that i like that i think we should keep but that can all be sorted in the final stages of editing. !!!! One of us will type up the feedback properly at some point so what the teachers said is on the blog!!!
Monday, 15 November 2010
Filming Photos - Vic
Finally got the photos of us filming!!
The photos have come out really clear, and really show the day pretty much step by step.
The start of the day...
A key issues that we were concerned about was that the gate wouldn't open so therefore we wouldnt be able to fit our cars in, to unload the props and get the light from the headlight (if needed). However on arrival on the day of filming we found out that with a bit of strength we got the gate open.
Hannah helped do all of the girls make up (including her own).This was a massive help because as it turned out she was very good at artistic make up, which really benefitted for our filming. Seeing as hair and make up is massive element of it.
I helped with the girls hair, as I new what sort of look we were going for. Therefore I brought some hair products to give it a 'messy' look.
This image shows jack filming Trinity close up: lipsyncing. This shot took several times to perfect however Trinity was a brilliant at lipsyncing.
This second image shows jack
(with the help of Ben)directing the girls on what we are aiming for this particular shot. I stood at the back (taking photos) and directing from the back of the girls.
This shot is a shot of the video camera recording hannah playing the drums.
These shots are of jack and myself, which Ben took whilst we were filming the girls. We worked very well together as we had the same ideas in our heads of what we were looking for. The camera work on our first draft looked very effective this was possibly because for most shot we had someone holding the base of the camera to ensure that there wasnt any 'wobbily' shot. We used Emily's camera to film which was better than the school camera which also benefitted when it came to the footage.
Emily finding a good location for one shot, and doing a similar pose to how we wanted the girls to pose; also seeing how wide it was assessing whether we coulc fit all three girls alongside each other in the door (we obviously concluded that we couldnt).
The second shot is of Em filming daisy walking towards the camera. Emily had a good advantage filming these shot mainly because she is fairly small and could therefore assess the way the girls were walking better. Em coached the three girls how we wanted them to walk, and was able to critically assess whether they were doing to right.
Trinity Being a diva...
Trinity and thge girls became cold fairly quickly due to the lack of clothing, therefore jack, emily and myself were constantly fussing keeping the girls warm. Trinity's feet also began to hurt so therefore she had Ben (her boyfriend) on carrying patrol.
This is a shot again from behind the camera of daisy walking towards the camera.
These are the final shots of us packing up and walking back to the cars. This was just after 'thats a wrap shot'. It was lucky that we finished when we did as it began to rain just after we filmed the last shot.
Feedback- Emily
Level: 4.
Mark: 34/35 out of 40.
-Mise en scene is very good. Styling is appropriate, setting is used creatively.
-Band look like a band. Singer is very charismatic, They all look 'Rock and Roll'
-Editing is appropriate, some points are a bit to fast at some points.
-Iconography, cigarettes and alchol used with care but very well done.
-Framing is good.
-Meaning is obvious.
-Looses its way towards the end- needs more close up of singer.
-Walkdown farmyard and back doesnt work. (We liked this shot)
We agree with most of the constructive critism but be like some of the shots that we dont. As i whole i think we are all very impressed with are feedback and grade and are going to work as hard as possible to achieve top marks.
Mark: 34/35 out of 40.
-Mise en scene is very good. Styling is appropriate, setting is used creatively.
-Band look like a band. Singer is very charismatic, They all look 'Rock and Roll'
-Editing is appropriate, some points are a bit to fast at some points.
-Iconography, cigarettes and alchol used with care but very well done.
-Framing is good.
-Meaning is obvious.
-Looses its way towards the end- needs more close up of singer.
-Walkdown farmyard and back doesnt work. (We liked this shot)
We agree with most of the constructive critism but be like some of the shots that we dont. As i whole i think we are all very impressed with are feedback and grade and are going to work as hard as possible to achieve top marks.
Our Take, Photo's from the day of filming! -Jack
Finally vic has sorted the pictures out now, and they look great. Their quality is brilliant it shows a clear representative of our day from beginning to end.
On the day our cars were so full!!! im surprised we got in what we did!!!Driving around with the drums in my car for a whole week was a nightmare as they were so noisy. I would like to just say a massive thankyou to Jack Tranter for lending us his drums! afterall they were very expensive and he drop and
pick them up from my house!!!!. Also we were lucky that the chaise long fit into Vic's car as mine couldnt have had a single other thing in and Emily's cant fit a single thing in it.
We decided that we would take some photo's as a back up to prove that we did our work. It was like a back up to show all of our efforts and to show we shared all the responsibilities. We also wanted to each create a post showing what we had been up to, to make it look like a diary entry or something.
The photographs also give evidence of us framing the shots before the girls actually mime or act, This shows thorough care shown throughout.
Here is one of me and Trinny enjoying a Mcdonalds breakfast. Something i think all of us deserved getting up as early as we all did. I thought myself lucky as i didnt have a hangover!!!
We were glad we hired help!!!Ben was around for when the girls feet were hurting an were cold!!! In all seriousness Ben was brilliant it would have been hard without him, he helped set up and pack away etc, he also showed Hannah how to roughly play the drums (to make her performance more believable)
It took a while for Hannah to pick up the general look of"drumming" She also did a great job of the Make up!! Vic did a cracking job of the hair and what not! and in all honesty i think i did really well with the styling! i lovd choosing what the girls were gonna wear and i think all these elements make the video what it is!.
Here is the outfit i think i want Trin in for the album pack. Im not sure how the black with photograph up close, but i will have to experiment with some ideas. i think she should wear the boots and the stockings because They can become somewhat of a signature look for her and the group.
On the day our cars were so full!!! im surprised we got in what we did!!!Driving around with the drums in my car for a whole week was a nightmare as they were so noisy. I would like to just say a massive thankyou to Jack Tranter for lending us his drums! afterall they were very expensive and he drop and
pick them up from my house!!!!. Also we were lucky that the chaise long fit into Vic's car as mine couldnt have had a single other thing in and Emily's cant fit a single thing in it.
We decided that we would take some photo's as a back up to prove that we did our work. It was like a back up to show all of our efforts and to show we shared all the responsibilities. We also wanted to each create a post showing what we had been up to, to make it look like a diary entry or something.
The photographs also give evidence of us framing the shots before the girls actually mime or act, This shows thorough care shown throughout.
Here is one of me and Trinny enjoying a Mcdonalds breakfast. Something i think all of us deserved getting up as early as we all did. I thought myself lucky as i didnt have a hangover!!!
We were glad we hired help!!!Ben was around for when the girls feet were hurting an were cold!!! In all seriousness Ben was brilliant it would have been hard without him, he helped set up and pack away etc, he also showed Hannah how to roughly play the drums (to make her performance more believable)
It took a while for Hannah to pick up the general look of"drumming" She also did a great job of the Make up!! Vic did a cracking job of the hair and what not! and in all honesty i think i did really well with the styling! i lovd choosing what the girls were gonna wear and i think all these elements make the video what it is!.
Here is the outfit i think i want Trin in for the album pack. Im not sure how the black with photograph up close, but i will have to experiment with some ideas. i think she should wear the boots and the stockings because They can become somewhat of a signature look for her and the group.
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