Thursday 30 September 2010

Analysis of a Music video - Vic

The Kills - Tape Song

The Music video itself it fairly obscure, it is a veriety of short chopy shots, with elements of montage editing. The video lacks a narative, it seems as though its a cluster of different clips, some being repeated. The video itself is very individual and it is clear that the band want to be represented as being 'a little bit out there', 'different, and 'edgey'. The video is set in approxmitatly 11 fairly simple locations, the unusual editing makes the video look effective.  

This element of the video is edited very effectivly, it ensures the unusualness of the video is continued. The flash of colour is a very interesting idea, which which could possibly simbolise the effects of drug taking.

The entire music video is shot in a blured fashion, the shots are also the size of a polaroid which is really edgey and fresh. This gives the music video a 'vintage edge'. Several of the shots are hand held, which represents the camera man walking towatds the artists. This element looks really effective and could possibly be used in our own music video.

This part of the video shows the band palying instruments in a sort of barn setting which looks really dark and grundy which is the style which we are aiming to achieve in our own music video. The shot also have a greeny/grey colour wash, which looks really effective. 

The collage of shot in the these particular shots look really effective. The mixture of the black and white images with the colour is a really interesting idea and I think we could possibly draw inspiration from this element. The colour images have a hazy, blury edge which also is a really good idea. Also at the end of the clip the black and white shot of the male playing the guitar looks 'rocky' and 'grungy', the way in which it has been editing is interesting, the haziness over in the black and white shot looks very 'vintage'.

The use of a fuzzy black and white shot looks effective. The beggining of the first shot a sort of 'fly on the wall' shot. In the shot the people are having a good time and acting as if the camera isnt even there. The second shot is of a guitarist, it begins in a black and white negative shot then a red negative colour wash.

1 comment:

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