Taylor Momsen (17), the lead singer of the band The Pretty Reckless is a rebelious character that has taken a different path from the likes of other child stars such as Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. As a group we have decidedn that we like this image even though risque but we think that it represents the genre ans type of the music. Therfore we have decided to do our music video in the style of The Pretty Reckless videos and style the 'band' (our group of friends) in the way Taylor has been styled. Due to this decision we have chosen our Friend Trinny Maloy as we think she would fit the image we are looking for perfectly. Also we are going to differ from the actual band by having an all girl group wheras the original group is Taylor Momsen and three other men. We thought about this but willing females are more accessable and willing to help the group. This also means we can market the group in a different way. This will come further ino play when creating the cd cover and the posters later on in the coursework year.
When briefly mentioning the bands style in particular Taylor's and the way in which it represents the band and their niche mkt. Looking at the picture above where Taylor is smoking and wearing very little we think is the direction we want to take, no matter how innapropriate for a 17 year old girl. The reason we have chosen to do this is because we feel it bodes well with the image of the group and their music ethic. We also like how the groups image and our interpretation of the image connotes individualism and being your own person, this will make our video more personal to its audience. We also like the grime aspect of the group (being less polished)unlike Miley Cyrus with her mainstream Pop music. We want no limits with our music video and hope to make it look as professional as possible.
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